Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (2024)


Date of Session: January 29th, 2022
In-Universe Date: Uktar 26, 1513 DR
Level Reached: 7
Dungeon Master: Juli
Players: Adrian, Cain, Krosto, Liam, Lucas, Victor
Player Characters: Amadeus Bosch, Felid, Little Bustard, Nasurin Nisure, Maria, Li Xie-Li

The party advances, and finds a broken puzzle room with an illusion of the night sky with the moon shining through and hypothesizes that this once meant to be a light redirection puzzle. Seeing as it is broken, they ignore it and move on. Eventually, they come across a Juvenile Gelatinous Cube blocking a section of hallway, and kill it. Moving on, they find themselves in a large room with a huge blue crystal and a beautiful elven woman. They surmise that this is the First Stone, the Artifact they have been looking for for the entirety of the season, and Lady Alustriel Silverhand, the ruler of Silverymoon.

They have a conversation with Lady Alustriel Silverhand, attempting to talk her out of whatever they think she's doing with the First Stone, but they don't actually know what she's trying to do. They end up pissing her off, and she begins to fight them. The doors lock, and she calls to her aid a Canopic Golem, a powerful golem made out of stained glass that is immune to most spells and very powerful. The party dispatches Lady Alustriel Silverhand quickly, revealing that she was only a Simulacrum made of slush, and that the real Lady Alustriel Silverhand is somewhere else, likely still up in her bedroom in the High Palace two hundred plus feet above them.

The party fights the Canopic Golem, and as they do so the First Stone begins to pulse with Wild Magic in the room, transmuting people's body parts into other substances. Wild Magic Surges trigger like crazy, and Nasurin transforms into a giant rabbit for most of the fight. Finally the party destroys the Canopic Golem, and sets about destroying the First Stone before it completely transmutes their bodies into inorganic substances. The First Stone proves to be very durable, but once broken takes on a glass-like quality and shatters, destroying the body of Amelior Amanitas trapped inside. Although the party attempts to put his pieces back together and cast Revivify on him, nothing happens, revealing that the creator of the First Stone died a very long time ago and his body has merely been preserved by the crystal.

The doors to the room are unlocked, and the party is left feeling unfulfilled as they were unable to save Amelior Amanitas and were unable to learn anything more about the First Stone's nature or the nature of the Artifacts they have encountered as a whole. Nasurin transforms back into themselves, and the transmuted body parts created by the First Stone revert back to normal, no longer sustained by its magic. The party finds a treasure hoard in the next room, but the session ends before getting to the treasure because everyone was tired.

Non-Player Characters:

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (1)

From left to right: (Simulacrum of) Alustriel Silverhand

Non-Player Characters:

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (2)

From left to right: (Simulacrum of) Alustriel Silverhand (Deceased)

The Narrator:
Ivanoska wipes mimic digestive acids off of herself and says: "W-well, let's get a move on."

Xie Li:
"woop woop"

"So are we any closer to figuring out where we are going?"

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "Well, we just went around in a circle. There's only two more ways to go out of here."

Xie Li:
"should we take a vote?"

"do we need to? they likely go to the same location, let's just go to the closest door"
nasurin points at the door in the room we're in

"Well hopefully it beats mimic-room."

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "F-fair enough."

Xie Li:
"Well i have no objections."

"I am kind of beat to sh*t, Felid, wanna take this one?

Amadeus Bosch:
"Good luck Felid."

Xie Li:
"cheering you on"

Felid shrugs. And walks over to try and open the door.

Xie Li:
"What's in there?"

The Narrator:
Felid opens the door… there's a moment of tension as you all think about your past experiences with doors locking behind you and traps triggering throughout this dungeon… and nothing happens.
Felid reveals a small room lined with beautiful paintings, and an archway leading into another room. From here, it seems that it opens up into a large room, not dissimilar to the size of previous puzzle rooms.

"Felid thinks there might be evil paintings in this room."

"amadeus, could you check the room for magic? you can do that, right?"

"Yeah probably."

Amadeus Bosch:

Little Bustard:
"Evil paintings"

Xie Li:
"wave him around. hes small enough to carry"

The Narrator:
Amadeus peers into the room and at the paintings. The paintings are beautiful full-length portraits of various elven men and women (and a few of indeterminate gender), dressed in regal clothing, but beyond that, Amadeus sees no trace of active magical effects.

Xie Li:
"Let's throw a rock in there. See if anything."

nasurin tosses a rock in there and sees if anything

The Narrator:
You toss a rock into the room. Nothing.

"i think we're okay to go inside"

Amadeus Bosch:
“The paintings don’t seem to be evil.”

Xie Li:
"if they start talking i vote we violently cry at them until they stop"

"you'll be great at that"

"We probably will not die, so lets get in there."

Xie Li:
[gets in there]

The Narrator:
Your party steps into the room (really, it's more of a double-wide hallway) and cautiously makes your way past the paintings.

"f*ck not you first, cmon man."

Amadeus Bosch:
“Xie Li, you are so close to death all the time.”

"no, let him go. if he dies we'll know not to go in after him"

Xie Li:
"im a canary"

"Well that is a little too mean."

Amadeus Bosch:
“He’s used to it.”

"it's a risk i'm willing to take"

"People die when they're killed."

Xie Li:
"i aint dad yet."

"and i hope you arent any time soon"

"Let us hope it never happens."

The Narrator:
Nothing happens to your party as you move through this room, but you begin to feel a slight breeze emanating from the room ahead.

Amadeus Bosch:
“You aren’t neutered?”

Xie Li:
"do you want to check"


The Narrator:
Peering through the archway, you see what seems to have once been another puzzle room. It is very dim in this room, though it doesn't matter as every member of your party has Darkvision. The room is lined with tall columns, each with a flat, square mirror positioned on one of its four faces. Several of these mirrors are tilted in various directions, but several of the pillars are crumbled and some of the mirrors are cracked.

In the center of the room lies the shattered remains of what you can easily tell was once another of the chandeliers fashioned of a translucent blue crystal which causes an antimagic effect in the room. These gems are dull and lack luminescence. If this was once a puzzle, it is clear that it is no longer intact, nor functional.

However, the most peculiar feature of this room is that you can feel a breeze emanating from somewhere above you, and a pale silver light streaks through the room. Looking up, you see what appears to be a large crack in the marble ceiling, seemingly open to the night sky, with a full moon shining overhead and pouring moonlight into the room. This is most peculiar, because as far as you are all aware, it should only be roughly afternoon outside. Furthermore, the night sky appears far closer than you would assume it should be, given that you are currently two hundred feet underground.

"i think we're in space now"

Xie Li:
"space? like. up there?"

The Narrator:
Nadredda: "Nonssensse. You can't go to sspace. It issn't place."

Xie Li:
"i mean i guess anything is a place."

"nadredda, you know people have gone to space before, right? it's uncommon, but flight isn't like, impossible"

The Narrator:
Nadredda: "Nadredda lived in jungle and hass teached hersself magic. Alsso iss not even from thiss country."

Xie Li:
"wowwwwwwwwwww nasurin."

"Felid thinks it could be illusion."

"well, i'm about to blow your whole worldview open, because not only is space a place we can go, this isn't even the only planet with people on it that's out there"

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "Th-there have been tales of illithid spaceships breaching Toril's atmosphere and cr-crashing somewhere, usually in the mountains. Wizards have tried to r-reverse engineer their ships' technology before, but few h-have had much success."

Xie Li:
"do you feel anything in here amadeus?"

The Narrator:
Amadeus steps into the center of the room, looking up at the crack in the ceiling. With his Eldritch Sight, he senses strong Illusion magic coming from the crack.

"the functionality of illithid spaceships is actually extremely simple, it's unfortunately just impossible for almost anybody but illithids to perform due to its use of a part of the brain that most creatures don't possess"

Amadeus Bosch:
“Felid is right. It is an illusion.”

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "Th-that would make sense. Perhaps when I get back to Candlekeep, I c-could suggest a research project involving dissecting an illithid brain to one of the esoteric d-departments…"

Xie Li:
"do you think that the illusion is like. super important or can we ignore it."

The Narrator:
Beyond the fact that this puzzle room appears to be broken, your party can see two doors leading out of this room. One of them leads back to the room mimic, and the other… into darkness."

"It is most likely just for looks."

"Felid knows. Felid doesn't know why there is an illusion here though."

Xie Li:
"well if someone's already been in here before….""

The Narrator:
Nadredda: "Likely many peopless hass been in here before. Iss very old place. Crumbling."

nasurin tries the door to see if it opens

"Felid thinks we should throw rocks at both the other door and the illusion."

The Narrator:
Nasurin attempts to open the door, finding that it is unlocked and revealing the entrance to a hallway which seems to swiftly turn a corner.

"well, f*ck the puzzle then. felid, if you could take the lead"

Amadeus Bosch:
“If we end up in the mimics mouth I am going to leave.”

"Oh sh*t alright, maybe our luck is turning around, we should keep moving."

Little Bustard:

Xie Li:
"we shouldn't be. unless there's two."

"I just want to get this place over with, lets move."

"Felid thinks we are being very stupid by ignoring the illusion but Felid will go ahead anyway." Felid heads through the hallway.

Little Bustard:
"Felid is right"

"i think the illusion is just part of the original puzzle"

Xie Li:
"maybe? i mean…. this whole thing is about that moon goddess right?"

"I mean it for sure is something, but I am not sure we have to do anything with it anymore."

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "M-moon goddess? What exactly are you talking about?"

"Either someone has already been here, or the illusion is important. Illusion would not be there for no reason. Why puzzle not work now?"

"if i had to guess, the puzzle was something about using those mirrors to direct the beam of light from the illusion into some other location. the mirrors and columns are broken, so the puzzle doesn't work anymore. whether the puzzle broke because of someone's interference or because it just aged, it doesn't really matter at this point"

"I think Nasurin is right. It was important once, but now it is just a useless fixture."

Xie Li:
"was that not the lady from the painting room or something? maybe i just funked it up cause we're in a place called silvery moon"

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "Th-there were several different ladies… are you t-talking about the mural of The Seldarine? That's an e-entire pantheon, not just one god…"

Xie Li:
"yeah probably. i dont go to church!"
"let's go i guess."

"Not all religions waste times on churches."


The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "I have to a-agree with Nasurin's theory. This was obviously once a light redirecting p-puzzle, and the moonlight is probably there because it's Silverymoon, and th-that's all there is to it."
You attempt to go into the next room, but you fail to walk into the next room, as what lies beyond the door is not a room, but a hallway.

"f*ck, ok hold on."

The Narrator:
You move through the hallway.

"Felid just thinks we should be careful."

"Oh yeah we should be, for sure."

The Narrator:
After rounding a bend in the hallway, you come across another door. Doors, doors, doors galore. Well, what should you expect from a dungeon?

"This place. Has so many doors. Should we do the full round up, check if it is magic then have felid go for it or am I just going to open this, because I could go either way."

"Check magic might be good."

Xie Li:
"Amadeus come rub ur lil face on this door!"

Amadeus Bosch:
"Yes, I know." He does not rub his face on the door, but he does get closer."

The Narrator:
Amadeus uses his Eldritch Sight and looks at the door. He does not sense any magic ahead.

Felid tries to open the door.

The Narrator:
Felid opens the door to reveal a long, rectangular room with a central column that spans from floor to ceiling. The room is largely unadorned, and brightly lit. There is one door leading out of this room.

"onward we go. man, they have a lot of useless sh*t here"

"Ok, do we just want to keep doing the same thing until we reach Something?"

Xie Li:
"i'm good with that"

Amadeus Bosch:
“Sounds fine to me.”

The Narrator:
Amadeus approaches the next door, peering beyond its cold, unfeeling iron with his Eldritch Sight. There, just beyond the door, he senses magic of the school of Abjuration.

Amadeus Bosch:
“Well, we’re finally back into working territory. Abjuration, it seems.”

"Cool, so like, it will explode again or something."

Xie Li:

"possibly. more likely a shield, though"

"Maybe it will explode you."

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "D-does anybody have any rope? Maybe we should tie it around the door handle and open it from a distance."

"well, i have mage hand, which is basically the same. everyone back up"

Xie Li:

Amadeus Bosch:
Amadeus eagerly backed away from the door.

"Go for it."

The Narrator:
Your party backs up as far as you can mange whilst still being in sight of the door. Nasurin casts Mage Hand, using a ghostly hand to open the door from afar. You brace yourselves for some sort of magical explosion…

we die

The Narrator:
Nothing happens.
The door is opened without consequence.


Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (3)

Xie Li:

The Narrator:
From this distance, you can just barely tell that the door seems to lead into another hallway, which goes in two separate directions from the door.

"Ok, well we did not die."

Xie Li:
"not yet"

"Maybe it is the hallway that has issues."

The Narrator:
Maria peers into the hallway, seeing that there appears to be two paths. One goes north, and one goes south. To the north, the hallway rounds a bend. To the south, there is a door. With Maria's high passive perception, she can determine that the area near the door to the south appears to be noticeably cleaner than the rest of the dungeon, which is saying something given that most of it is made of pristine (if ancient) marble.

"Ok, we have a south, newer looking door, or another hallway going north

"newer door first, i guess? it's likely more used"

Xie Li:
"i was also going to say the newer looking door"

"Alright, Amadeus, take it away, it is your show now."

"go in first, amadeus. i wanna make sure you die first if anyone dies"

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard nods in agreement

Xie Li:
“damn wild”

Amadeus Bosch:
“Too bad I’m not as squishy as Xie Li.”

Xie Li:
"you will be"

"Felid can open the door if you're scared."

The Narrator:
Amadeus steps out into the hallway, and begins to approach the south door. Stepping out into the hallway, Amadeus can see with his Eldritch Sight the same Abjuration effect he detected earlier. It appears almost like a screen or a curtain of shimmering magical energy laid over the path ahead of him.

Amadeus Bosch:
“The whole path is Abjurated. This feels like the worst iteration of the yellow brick road.”

Xie Li:
"hm. do you think its here to help or hurt."

"Maybe throw a rock again."

Amadeus Bosch:
Amadeus throws a couple of his ball bearings down the hallway.

"Felid wishes we could throw rocks at all problems."

The Narrator:
Amadeus procures a few ball bearings from his bag and underhand tosses them forwards as far as they can reach.

As the ball bearings pass through the shimmering barrier he can see with his Eldritch Sight, nothing happens. However, as they fly fifteen feet further down the hall, Amadeus sees that the ball bearings seem to stop in mid-air, as though striking an invisible wall, and rather than bounce back… they simply get stuck there, floating approximately five feet off of the ground.

Amadeus Bosch:
“…Who wants to go first?”


"i think it looks like fun"

Xie Li:
"i dont Like that is the thing"

"Maybe you can overload it by throwing a bunch of them??"

Amadeus Bosch:
Amadeus tosses several more ball bearings forward, same as before.

The Narrator:
The exact same thing that happened before, happens again. There are now several more ball bearings floating in midair. As they strike the "invisible barrier" in that area, the air seems to… jiggle uncomfortably?

Xie Li:

"well xie li, hop in"

"Is it…."

Xie Li:
"like- like get in there or get rid of it?"

she tries to cast toll the dead

The Narrator:
Maria casts Toll the Dead, targeting it at the area where the ball bearings are getting stuck. As she casts her spell, the air jiggles and writhes, and you can suddenly tell that it has a solid, gelatinous quality to it. Maria has revealed the dormant form of a Gelatinous Cube, and has dealt 12 necrotic damage to it.

"Son of a bitch, Amadeus do not let it touch you!!"

Xie Li:

Amadeus Bosch:
“f*cking hell.”

"hop in buddy"

The Narrator:
Ivanoska moves around the other side of the column to get closer to the door.
Amadeus casts Toll the Dead on the Juvenile Gelatinous Cube, dealing 20 necrotic damage. The Juvenile Gelatinous Cube is Bloodied.

The Narrator:
Little Bustard casts Chill Touch on the Juvenile Gelatinous Cube, dealing 9 necrotic damage.
Nadredda follows Ivanoska around the column.
Maria casts Toll the Dead on the Juvenile Gelatinous Cube, dealing 17 necrotic damage.

"Yeah get his ass."

The Narrator:
Nasurin hurls a Fire Bolt at the Juvenile Gelatinous Cube, dealing 16 fire damage and killing it.

"i slopped it"

"Damn, Nasurin is giving out sloppy?"

Amadeus Bosch:

Xie Li:
"you two are so gross"

Amadeus Bosch:
“So how are we going to get past that biohazard?”

"step over it, loser boy" nasurin wades through the goo to go past

Xie Li:
"maybe we counter it with another. you count, right?"
"oh my god"

"Walking probably, what is the magic for anyway?"

Xie Li:
"probably so we couldnt fight against that thing!!! NASURIN!!!!!!!"

"Smelly." Felid follows Nasurin.

The Narrator:
Nasurin walks through the corpse of the Juvenile Gelatinous Cube. They do not take any damage, but their pants end up slightly melted.

"Can someone magic away this goop?"

Amadeus Bosch:
“Oh, several of us have Presto, don’t we?”

The Narrator:
Ivanoska and Nadredda walk out into the hallway, following the rest of your group.

Ivanoska: "It w-would probably take a long time to prestidigitate all of this away, since it's k-kind of a lot… but we could try?"

Xie Li:
"i guess"
[Xie Li begins to prestodidido]

"Just like, enough to walk through?"

Xie Li:

"It is a little bit of goop."

Xie Li:
"Nadredda, would you want any of this?"

"it's kinda hot”

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (4)

Xie Li:
"what is Wrong with you like mentally."

The Narrator:
Nadredda: "Hmm… yess, could make for interessting sstudiess. Maybe if I mix it with ssome of your blood and the mold from Undermountain, ssomething peculiar will happening…"

Amadeus Bosch:

Xie Li:
"sounds fun!"

The Narrator:
Nadredda bends down and scoops Juvenile Gelatinous Cube Goop into a container.

"Felid doesn't think dementia is very fun."

Xie Li:

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (5)

"I meant the slime gathering!!"

Amadeus Bosch:
“Kind of f*cked up, Xie Li. What is wrong with you?”

Xie Li:
"whats wrong with YOU little blonde boy?!"

The Narrator:
Ivanoska steps forwards and attempts to help Prestidigitate the gelatinous cube's corpse away.
Ivanoska: "St-strange that it's so small… from what I've read, gelatinous cubes are s-supposed to be much bigger than this."

Amadeus Bosch:
“Well, they can’t pop out of the ground fully formed. Maybe they reproduce asexually and this was a budding.”

The Narrator:
Also, as you all approach the corpse of the Juvenile Gelatinous Cube, you are able to make out a winding side hallway.

"Maybe it was made to fit this hallway."

”Maybe there’s still a bigger one

Xie Li:

"well, onward we go"
"i'm tired of this place, so we should just get a move on and go find this stupid rock"

Xie Li:
"what should we do about this side hallway? do you think its important?"

"Might have something, take a peek."

Xie Li:
[xie li peeks down the hallway]

The Narrator:
Peeking down it, it's clear from the start that this hallway turns quite frequently.

"Felid thinks there may be more cubes."

"Probably, yeah."

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "Well, do we w-want to go all the way down there and find probably more cubes, or do we just want to open this door?"

nasurin opens the door a crack and peeks in

The Narrator:
Nasurin peeks through the door and sees a large room made out of pristine marble. The first thing they notice when they open the door is that they physically feel a wave of magic splash across their face, akin to the way heat would feel pouring across your heat when opening a hot oven.

The second thing they notice is a massive, blue crystal in the center of the room, with what appears to be a humanoid figure contained within. The figures features are indiscernible from here, as the rock is rather opaque, and appears mostly as a silhouette.

The third thing Nasurin notices is that sitting in a chair next to the large crystal is a beautiful elven woman with long silver hair, humming gently to herself. She seems to be waiting patiently for something.

nasurin turns around to look at the group and says "hey gang, i found the rock"

maria lines up to peek scooby doo style

The Narrator:
Ivanoska whispers. "W-well then, what are we waiting for? Xie Li, quit f*cking around with that h-hallway."

Xie Li:
"I'm not i was just looking!!"

"Hmmm…Felid thinks this is sus."

"Just like that one night amogus game."

Xie Li:

The Narrator:
As your group moves further down the hallway to get closer to the door, the elven woman in the room ahead pauses her humming. In a voice that is all too familiar to you, as it is the very same one you've heard throughout the puzzle rooms in this dungeon, the woman speaks.

Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "Do come in, there's no need to keep me waiting."

Xie Li:
"oh god."
"i didnt think that lady was real oh my god im going to get my ass kicked"

nasurin points at themself like "me?"

The Narrator:
The woman peers around the crystal. "Yes, I mean you. And all of your friends."

"Oh hey cool, so did you want us to preform later tonight or like at an eveeeent oooor?"


Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (6)

Xie Li:
"oh- oh yeah, i can play you a little diddy."

"Yeah Xie Li, do that one song about the uhhhhh…. the one that you like."

Little Bustard:

"listen, i was just looking for the bathroom in the castle, and i think i got really lost"

"Felid feels secondhand embarrassment."

Xie Li:
[Xie Li gives the horn a nervous lil toot]

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand gets out of her chair and steps around the crystal to face your group.

Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "I'm afraid I haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about, dears. But come now, there's no need to delay. And no more feeble attempts at lying."

Xie Li:
[Xie Li puts the horn away]

nasurin walks in with hands up like theyre being arrested

"I mean we did get a gig at your place, but ok."

Xie Li:

"what the f*ck do you want, catboy"

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand ushers you all into the room. "Come on now, all of you in."

Xie Li:
[Xie Li steps forward]

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "Don't try to hide around a corner or anything, I know how many of you there are here."

"listen, we were just looking for a cool new spot to hang out and drink a few ales and smoke some weed, we can get outta here if you want, you dont need to call the cops"

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard mimics Nasurin as he walks into the room

Amadeus Bosch:
Amadeus would really rather not, but he steps into the room, keeping close to the entrance.

Felid walks in.

Xie Li:

"Ok but do you know about him?" she points at thin air

Xie Li:


"do you know about… me?" nasurin strikes a pose

The Narrator:
Lady Silverhand ignores Maria and watches patiently as you all make your way inside.

Little Bustard:

Xie Li:
"oh my god we are going to get our butts kicked

"Yeah that is right, he has been with us the whole time. Walking silently through the astral plane."

"If lady wasn't going to kill us before, Felid thinks she will now."

Xie Li:
[xie li nods]

Amadeus Bosch:

"Yeah true I will tone it down. So do you know why we are here?"

"we want your rock"
"it'll help us bring steven back from the astral plane, please let us help him"

Xie Li:
"shut up about steven!!!"

"how COULD you"

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard pats the air where 'steven' is as if reassuringly patting a friend

Amadeus Bosch:
“I thought his name was Dave. I am so sorry Steven.”

The Narrator:
Once you are all in the room, Lady Alustriel Silverhand cracks a thin smile, and slowly makes her way over to her chair.

Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "I believe I have quite a good idea of why you are here. And I'm sure you all are quite familiar with who I am."

She sits down deliberately in her chair, and snaps her fingers. As she does so, the door locks behind you.

Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "Now, would you mind explaining carefully how exactly it came to be that the Arcane Brotherhood would break into the High Palace of Silverymoon?"

"Pf, I do not know, do we look like we are with them?"

Xie Li:
"the huh"
"thats not us? i think?"

Amadeus Bosch:
“I’m a librarian.”

"that part i'm actually not sure. i mean, i didn't even know about all this til like last week"

Xie Li:
"im a cat"

Amadeus Bosch:
“And an only child.”

"i'm also an only child"

Little Bustard:
"Also an only child"

The Narrator:
Nadredda: "Alsso an only child."

"Felid is an only child."

The Narrator:
Ivanoska whispers. "Wh-why are so many of you only children? And why is that r-relevant right now?!"

Xie Li:
"we're not with the brotherhood!"

nasurin whispers back "she only likes only children"

"Felid feels like this might be a trope."

Little Bustard:

"I think I am also an only child?"

"man, if we were like, created by amateur writers somewhere out there, they really mustve been pretty lazy to not bother writing us some more extended family units"

"Wait is this where she reveals we are all related?"

Xie Li:

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "Peculiar. I can tell that you're not lying to me… then, you're an unaffiliated group? Perhaps even more concerning, as your motivations are unknown and your actions unpredictable… Well then, if you value lives, would you mind telling me what you are all doing here?"

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard nods in agreement with Nasurin:

"We are here to break your very dangerous rock and leave."

"well, in full honesty, what maria said"

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "And, what exactly makes you believe you can do that?"

Xie Li:
"uh… the power of friendship?"

"Well with the power of friend-"

"hopes and dreams, largely"

Little Bustard:
"Friendship, hopes and dreams"

"f*ck" she cracks a smile

Amadeus Bosch:
“We’ve got a girl with two axes.”

"that's true"

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand seems unamused. "Do any of you actually know what you are doing here? How is it that a group of bumbling fools broke into my palace?"

Little Bustard:
"Her" He points at Felid, nodding

nasurin points at amadeus and nods her head"

"Mostly by beating our heads against the wall. So anyway would you mind lending us a hand? That would be a nice change of pace."

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "Define 'lending you a hand.'"

Little Bustard:
"Literally" And he points at Amadeus's refused scalp

"Help us break your rock?"

"we didn't think nearly far enough ahead to decide how to destroy the scalp. i mean- stone. we already destroyed the scalp. i mean f*ck"

Xie Li:
"we dont talk about the scalp incident"

Amadeus Bosch:
“I was bald for a little while.” Amadeus tries to sound as sad as possible.

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand pinches the bridge of her nose. "And what makes you think I want you to break the rock? Do you even know what it is called, why it was made?"

"yes, i just figured it didn't matter in this circ*mstance"

Xie Li:
"yeah we know it was made to combat the great dying but uh. you know."
"i mean it must hurt to have been sucked up into a big rock"

"We did learn a bit about it, but honestly I am very tired so give me a second to remember."

"Felid wonders why we're here."

Xie Li:
"the great dying. the big thing that was predicted to happen."
"i think from that book that gave us frostbite."

"it's the first stone, it was made by amelior, who may be that guy stuck in there? listen, i knew amelior way back when, he was a nice guy, but you can't just go around making world-changing magic items and claiming you're gonna do good with them. even if he was going to remain uncorrupted his whole life and never use it for anything but good, whos to say it wouldnt be stolen, or misused after his death? this kinda thing just shouldn't be in the world"

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "So you know who made it, and you know its purpose. Yet still you wish to destroy it? And you expect me to cooperate with you?"

Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "You break into my castle and come sauntering in here declaring that you are going to destroy the valuable magic artifact myself and my friend worked diligently to create. And you think yourself the good guys?"

"if it worked to the extent that amelior intended it to, you'd have stopped the great dying by now, before it even started. you're either intending to misuse it, or it's not functioning enough to be a worthwhile endeavor anyway. do you know who's out there who also knows its here and would just love to get their hands on it?"

"The fact of the matter is, it is too dangerous to be left as is and we happen to have a hard time trusting the goodness of people's hearts as it stands."

"it took us legitimately like three days from hearing its name for the first time to finding out exactly where to look for it. would you rather someone come by who wants to pick it up and kill people with it?"

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "It's… true, that The First Stone does not function as intended. And you are correct in assuming that my dear friend, Amelior Amanitas, is trapped within his own creation. But I have been working tirelessly this past century and a half, experimenting with new methods to utilize the power trapped within the First Stone for Silverymoon's benefit, but even beyond that… I merely seek a means to free my friend from his crystalline prison."

"well, an easy way to get him out is to break it"

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "Is your solution to every problem to brute force it?"

"Well have you tried it?"

"listen lady, i'm nearly 2000 years old and my secret to longevity has thus far been brute forcing every problem i've run into, and it's always worked out in the end"

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "For the record, I have. The stone is highly resilient to damage. And furthermore, how can you assume that Amelior himself is not petrified within the stone and would himself be shattered were it broken?"

"if he's petrified he may not be saveable anyway. might be easier to let him die and then find someone who can resurrect him, in all honesty. most people really get stuck on the 'saving them' part and just completely forget there's a relatively easy solution, especially for someone commanding as much power as you do"

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "Additionally, just think about the effect on the Weave! The First Stone is already difficult enough to control in this contained state."

"Ok, well here is a question, for you and I may have a plan, is he alive right now?"

"Felid wonders if the pendulum has anything to do with this."

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "I… don't know. There is no way to confirm it from here."

"think about the effect on the weave if you use the damn thing! have you thought about any of the actual consequences of this piece of sh*t without the power trip fog in your brain? and it would be literally so easy to contact him and find the f*ck out! a simple message spell travels between planes, you can hit him up and ask!"

"Ok well I happen to be able to raise the recently deceased, so if you want to break him out, put him back together, I can bring him back to life and then you have yourself one living friend."

Xie Li:
"would he count as recently if he's preserved like that?"

"I can also cast sending to ask if he is ok."

"if he's not actively dead, then yes"

Xie Li:
"actively dead…. wild.

"death is just a transition from one activity to the next, it's really not as big a deal as most people think it is"

"Body isn't rotted yet, assumingly. So would make sense if preserved right…?"

"That is a good point."

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "Enough of this. Why should I let someone who broke into my palace try any sort of experiment on the First Stone? Why have I bothered to give you as much patience as I already have? It's clear that you believe you can brute force everything, taking no time to stop and think about the consequences of your actions."

"I am offering your friend's life to you on a silver platter here."

Xie Li:
"hey? honestly? i don't think there's anything we can do to stop the great dying"

"says the one harboring a malfunctioning artifact that could theoretically destroy the planet for no evident reason"

Xie Li:
"there's this entity that we're in and out of contact with and honestly they don't seem to be too hot on the situation:

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "The First Stone is contained. I have gone to great lengths to imprison it behind cold iron and antimagic fields."

Little Bustard:
"What about your friend?"

"Felid has something to say."

"Hm about that. There is not so many of those anymore, so maybe we should do something now?"

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard turns to Felid and co*cks his head to one side

"What is up felid."

"If you think we are group that can brute force our way here, then does that not mean people who might be smarter would be able to get here as well…? Felid thinks stone is better off gone than being protected."

Xie Li:
"that is true"
"its just a lot of risk for what seems like no pay off, ma'am"

"Oh that is true Felid."

"exactly! even if any one of us is smart on our own, we're a bumbling gang of idiots when we're in a group! the second the arcane brotherhood figures out their first group didnt work and sends out a larger group, this thing is f*cked"

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "Someone who was smarter would recognize the defensive measures put into place to protect a source of great magic and not destroy them. Someone who was smarter would not think themselves in a position to bargain with me after breaking into my palace and destroying the methods of The First Stone's containment."

"Having it here means there will always be possibility of it being potentially being in wrong hand. No matter how much protection put up. Is what Felid is saying."

Little Bustard:
"Not if they were evil"

"Almost zero is still a chance."

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand turns to Little Bustard. "Ah, an admission of guilt? Then that's all I need. Canopy! Take care of them."

Xie Li:
"what no im cool!!!!"

The Narrator:
The floor opens up and a large golem rises out of the ground.

"uh huh, if they had the same intentions as you. what if they wanted the thing desperately? we only destroyed those defenses because we intended to break it anyway, and i guarantee you there's someone who would have the same ideas with different intentions"

Xie Li:

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard just looks confused. "What? No"

Xie Li:

Amadeus Bosch:
“I’m a librarian!”

"god, you're a thickheaded pain in the ass, how did you become queen of anything"

The Narrator:
Lady Alustriel Silverhand: "Be silent. I don't need to take this from you."

"too late, sh*thead"

"She is clearly mad, but I guess even still her friend's life being offered to her means nothing."

"yes, i mean, if she's keeping the thing here she obviously isn't exactly taking people's lives into account over her own ego"

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard looks genuinely concerned. "Say something wrong??"

Felid sighs and prepares her axe.

"no, you didnt say anything wrong, she's just willfully misinterpreting you to forward her own narrative"

Xie Li:
"this sucks BALLS"

"she's trying to convince herself that the story in her mind is right by intentionally misconstruing you as the villain"

"You did not do anything wrong, Bustard."

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard frowns, nodding slowly

Xie Li:
"what if we just kill her"

"yeah, dodge the golem and get her first so she cant send out more"
"just knock her out for the time being, though"

Amadeus Bosch:
“The political ramifications are going to be horrible.” Amadeus groans.

The Narrator:
Ivanoska sucks in a breath. "I d-didn't want to run into Lady Silverhand herself… I just wanted to get The First Stone and go… but clearly it's too big to take out of here in one piece…"

Xie Li:

"For what it is worth joking is how I deal with stress."

The Narrator:
Ivanoska puts her face in her hands. "Th-this is going to cause so much trouble but… I need to do this, one way or another…" and casts Magic Missile at Lady Alustriel Silverhand.
Ivanoska casts Magic Missile at 4th level at Lady Alustriel Silverhand, dealing 30 force damage.
Lady Alustriel Silverhand winces. "Th-that was a rather good hit, but I'm afraid not quite enough."
Maria casts Shatter on The First Stone, Lady Alustriel Silverhand, and the Canopic Golem. She deals 12 thunder damage to Lady Alustriel Silverhand and 24 thunder damage to the Canopic Golem.

"It does not have to end this way."

The Narrator:
She also deals 24 thunder damage to The First Stone, but nothing appears to happen to it.
Felid rushes forwards and strikes Lady Alustriel Silverhand twice with her Bloodaxe, dealing a total of 57 damage to her. As she strikes Lady Alustriel Silverhand, she notices something peculiar — she doesn't seem to be bleeding. On the second hit, Felid decides to strike her with the blunt side of her Bloodaxe, knocking her out.
Something strange happens as her body falls limp to the floor, however. It seems to lose its composure, and begins to… melt? After a few seconds, the body has completely dissipated into slush.

"i… oh. that uh, that's not right"

Xie Li:
"what the HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?!?!"

Amadeus Bosch:
“Nasurin really gave some sloppy, huh.”

Xie Li:

"Felid didn't do that."

"i wasn't even involved in that one"

"Well that is not right."

Little Bustard:

Xie Li:
"oh my GOD!!!!"

"that uh… that was a simulacrum, i guess. so she's not actually dead. good to know, let's finish this golem guy"

Xie Li:
"every day i wake up and think 'this is it. this is all i can take. i CANNOT be surprised by anything anymore.' and yet HERE I AM."

The Narrator:
Ivanoska looks dumbstruck. "O-of course… why would she ever be down here herself? Too risky… of course sh-she would use a simulacrum…"

Xie Li:
"well if shes somewhere else shes just gonna send guys down here isnt she?"

"not if we get this over with quickly"

"I feel a sense of foreboding."

"Felid wonders if the stone is even the real one…?"

The Narrator:
A quick retcon from The Narrator: The Canopic Golem took half damage against Maria's Shatter, doing 12 thunder damage instead.
Nasurin casts Raulothim's Psychic Lance at The Canopic Golem, dealing 16 force damage.

nasurin goes "i feel kinda weird" and turns into a giant rabbit

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (7)


Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (8)

Xie Li:


Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (9)

Amadeus Bosch:
“Oh my f*ckING god?”

Little Bustard:

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (10)

The Narrator:
As you all stand around The First Stone, something strange happens. The First Stone pulses with a burst of transmutation magic, and everybody standing around it except for Nadredda takes 5 psychic damage. Additionally, Ivanoska's right leg transmutes into solid amber, and Amadeus' left leg transmutes into solid obsidian. Despite being made of an inorganic material, you retain control over your limbs as normal, and they bend as though they were made of flesh, likely due to the powerful magic of The First Stone.

Amadeus Bosch:

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (11)

Xie Li:
"Ivanoska, are you okay??"

Amadeus Bosch:

"Oh not any more."
"I think. That was the case right? You are dead after this?"

The Narrator:
The Canopic Golem fires crystal darts at Maria and Felid. It misses Maria, but deals 15 force damage to Felid.
The Canopic Golem backs up ten feet.
Amadeus tries to cast Witch Bolt at the Canopic Golem, but it automatically misses, deflecting harmlessly off of its crystalline body.

Amadeus Bosch:

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (12)

”Oh f*ck off.”

The Narrator:
Amadeus' Witch Bolt ricochets off of the Canopic Golem and hits him for 35 lightning damage.


Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (13)

Amadeus Bosch:

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (14)

The Narrator:
Nadredda casts Shatter on the Canopic Golem, dealing 11 thunder damage.

Xie Li:
[Xie Li casts CLOUD OF DAGGERS on this CRYSTAL f*ckER.]

The Narrator:
Xie Li casts Cloud of Daggers on the Canopic Golem, dealing 21 slashing damage.
Ivanoska casts a 4th level Magic Missile at the Canopic Golem, dealing 30 force damage.
The Canopic Golem seems confused that it is being damaged so significantly by spells.

"Ok well, time for brute force after all!" she runs in and swings her staff at the golem, using it's thunder effect.

The Narrator:
Maria uses her Staff of Thunder and Lightning to deal 9 bludgeoning damage to the Canopic Golem, and Stuns it until the end of her next turn.

"He is stunned, I cannot emphasize this enough, Get His Ass!!!"

The Narrator:
Felid runs towards the Canopic Golem and hits it twice with her Bloodaxe, dealing a total of 29 damage.
The Canopic Golem is now Bloodied.
The giant rabbit that was once Nasurin jumps forwards and bites the Canopic Golem for 7 piercing damage.
Little Bustard, Amadeus, Felid, Nasurin, and The Canopic Golem take 1 poison damage. Amadeus' torso transmutes into solid iron. He is still able to breathe through magical means.
The Canopic Golem does not seem to be affected by the poison damage.

Amadeus Bosch:

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (15)

The Narrator:
Xie Li's Cloud of Daggers does 20 slashing damage to the Canopic Golem.
The Canopic Golem is Stunned and cannot do anything.
Amadeus moves into the corner of the room, hoping to get away from The First Stone's influence. His transmuted body parts remain functional.
Little Bustard shoots the Canopic Golem with his shortbow, dealing 29 piercing damage as he scores a Sneak Attack.

The Narrator:
Nadredda casts Stoneskin on Xie Li.

Xie Li:
[Xie Li makes eye contact with Little Bustard and gives him a little wave, sending GOOD VIBES his way. Get some Inspo, Bustard :)]

The Narrator:
Little Bustard now has a Bardic Inspiration die.
Ivanoska fires a 3rd level Magic Missile at the Canopic Golem, dealing 10 force damage.
Ivanoska triggers a Wild Magic Surge, regaining 6 hit points.

"I was saving this for emergencies, and I think with some of us turning to rock, this qualifies." she runs around to the side of the golem and unleashes a full sized lightning bolt from the tip of her staff, arcing electricity around the golem and the First Stone

The Narrator:
Maria uses her Staff of Thunder and Lightning and her Channel Divinity to unleash a full force Lighting Strike at the Canopic Golem and the First Stone, dealing 54 lightning damage to each. The Canopic Golem is destroyed, shattering apart into millions of multi-colored glass shards. And as the lightning strikes it, The First Stone begins to crack apart. The level of physical damage it has incurred is now accurate to the doodling on the map.

Maria pick a shard out of her hair and flicks it away

Xie Li:
[Xie Li dispells Cloud o' Dags, lays on the ground, and groans.]

"When will this be over. This all SUCKS."

Little Bustard:
"Kill stone?"

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "I th-think it's almost over, Xie Li. We just need to figure out what to do about the First Stone. I n-need to bring a piece of it back for Professor Renwick…"

"Yeah we need to get this stone before it does more damage. If possible try to help the guy inside."

The Narrator:
Felid hits the First Stone twice, but is unable to harm it.
The giant rabbit that was once Nasurin attempts to bite the First Stone, but is unable to harm it.
Xie Li, Little Bustard, Felid, and Nasurin take 2 lightning damage.

Little Bustard's torso transmutes into silver.
Xie Li's head transmutes into glass.
Nasurin's rabbit left arm transmutes into marble, appearing as though it were part of the floor.

Xie Li:

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (16)

Amadeus Bosch:
“Xie Li, can you still talk?”

Xie Li:
"Hh- Y- Yeah???"

Amadeus Bosch:
“That sucks.” Amadeus sounds…sympathetic?

Xie Li:
"Ah… Thank you??"

The Narrator:
Amadeus skips his turn.
Little Bustard attempts to shoot the First Stone, but his arrow bounces off of the crystal.
Nadredda throws a Chromatic Orb at the First Stone, dealing 12 acid damage and melting it slightly.
Ivanoska: "Pl-please try not to melt it too much, I need just one piece to be intact…"

"There will be plenty left when it is broken."

Xie Li:
[Xie Li gives the First Stone a long, hard look and then casts DETECT THOUGHTS.]

The Narrator:
Xie Li attempts to cast Detect Thoughts on The First Stone… and receives nothing.

Xie Li:
"Well! Worth a shot."

The Narrator:
Ivanoska throws a Witch Bolt at the First Stone, dealing 17 lightning damage and failing to harm it. She triggers another Wild Magic Surge, and begins to faintly glow pink.

Xie Li:
"Oh. Well that's new."

"It is a good look on you."

The Narrator:
Ivanoska looks down at herself. "I h-hope it goes away soon… it's kind of distracting."
Maria casts Toll the Dead on the First Stone, dealing 6 necrotic damage and failing to harm it.
Felid hits the First Stone for 17 total damage, failing to harm it.
Little Bustard, Felid, Xie Li, and Nasurin take 6 thunder damage. Little Bustard's right arm transmutes into adamantine. Xie Li's left arm transmutes into quartz.

Xie Li:
"Oh god oh god oh god-"

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (17)

Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (18)

The Narrator:
Amadeus skips his turn again.
Little Bustard attempts to shoot the First Stone and misses.
Nadredda casts a Chromatic Orb at the First Stone and misses.
Xie Li casts Cloud of Daggers on the First Stone, dealing 9 slashing damage to it. It is not harmed.
Ivanoska: "Th-there has to be an easier way to destroy this thing…"

Xie Li:
[Xie Li yells at the First Stone]


The Narrator:
Nadredda snorts. "Yess, we sshould yelling at the rock until it lisstening to uss. Perfect idea."
Ivanoska does 19 lightning damage to the First Stone, failing to harm it.
Ivanoska puts a hand to her face. "Ugh, th-this is stupid… I'm trying to electrocute a rock. Doesn't anybody have like, s-something better? Does anybody just have a f*cking pickaxe?"

Xie Li:
"Bustard has a thing i think"

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "I— that was a joke, h-how long have you had that?"

Little Bustard:
"Since we met"

"sh*t I mean… That could work."

Xie Li:
"Could it???? Really?????"
"I was under the impression that this thing would just resist breaking apart"

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "I m-mean we're over here trying to throw spells at this th-thing and electrocute it and you just have a pickaxe… and a rock is the n-natural enemy of pickaxes."

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard shrugs

Xie Li:
"I thought Lady Silver-heck would have tried that? She said brute forcing wouldn't work"
"Dude if she didn't try to hack it apart with a pick axe…"

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "I-I mean… not to defend her or anything, I don't r-really care… but there is a whole man in there… would you try to break a rock if I was trapped inside of it?"

Xie Li:

"Well if we can chip him out I can just bring him back to life, so does it matter if the end result is that he lives?"

Xie Li:

The Narrator:
Ivanoska: "I… don't think you're strong enough to bring someone back to life if they shatter like gl-glass…"

"Well we do not need to shatter the whole thing, look, if we can gently chip him out then ok, but if we cannot then at least we tried."

The Narrator:
Maria casts Toll the Dead on the First Stone, and it cracks severely as she deals 24 necrotic damage. It looks like one more good hit will do it in.

Felid takes Little Bustard's pickaxe and swings it at the First Stone with all of her might, dealing 28 bludgeoning damage. As she does so, the First Stone cracks apart more and more… until it shatters on the ground. As it shatters, the body of Amelior Amanitas contained within shatters along with it.

Xie Li:
“well f*ck”
“I didn’t think I’d be upset about it but I am! How do I still have the energy to be sad about ANYTHING”
“That is so f*ckED UP!”

The Narrator:
As the First Stone shatters, a powerful Wild Magic Surge triggers. Felid loses the ability to see for one day.

"Ah damn. Ok well maybe try putting his bits back together as fast as possible right now and I will Try to revive him."

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard immedately beings picking up the pieces of Amelior Amanitas and shoving them together

Xie Li:
“Aw hell we’re doing this now??”

[Xie Li helps]

she is putting this man together like a lego

"Felid can't see. Is light out???”

"No??? We will get to that in a second."

The Narrator:
You attempt to put the pieces of Amelior Amanitas' crystallized body together and cast Revivify on it. Nothing happens. Amelior Amanitas has died, likely a very long time ago.

Xie Li:
“The lighting didn’t change- Felid are you okay????”

Amadeus Bosch:
“No, but Ivanoska is still pink.”

The Narrator:
As the energy of The First Stone dissipates, each of your transmuted body parts slowly revert back into their fleshy form.

Xie Li:
“Auh- M- My head! Oh god is normal again oh thank you lord-“

Amadeus Bosch:
“Thank god. I was worried that I was going to die once we broke that thing.”

"Ok well he was probably already dead, but he for sure is now."

Little Bustard:
Little Bustard makes his way over to Felid and waves his hand in front of her face.
He has to jump to do so

"Felid, are you blind or something?"

Xie Li:
“Oh god, not Felid, come on-“

The Narrator:
As you finish your business in this room, the locked door behind you opens itself back up, and two more doors out of the room reveal themselves.

"I can try to fix your eyes tomorrow if it persists, but right now that is a job moderately well done so let us leave."

Amadeus Bosch:
“So Felid may be permanently blind and Ivanoska is pink for the foreseeable future— sorry Felid— I hate this.” Amadeus groans

"f*ckin doors"

Little Bustard:

"Ok gang one last time where we going."


Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (19)

Little Bustard:
"Book look?"

Xie Li:
[Xie Li sighs and pockets some First Stone because I say so.]

“Back the way we came, someone needs to hold Felid’s hand, we’re so gonna be arrested when we surface.”

“What happens now? We’re going to get our asses handed to us.”

The Narrator:
Ivanoska scrambles forwards and shoves a shard of the First Stone into her robes.

Nadredda walks forwards and picks one of the pieces up too, examining it carefully. "Hmm. I ssupposse I can sstudying rock too."

she opens the south door reluctantly

Xie Li:
"The Stone is probably defunct or something now, right? Sorry about that Ivanoska."

[He is not sorry. He hates Renwick and wants Renwick to have nothing.]

The Narrator:
You open the south door and find a short hallway with another door at the end. Likely with a frustrated scoff, you move forwards and open the second door and reveal a room full of treasure…. which we will get to next time.
Oh yeah, by this point Nasurin has become themselves again and is no longer a giant rabbit.

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Disciples of Atropus: Session 37 - The First Stone (2024)
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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.